2019 - Reflection

As we approach the end of 2019, I pop open my last years resolutions to see how fan I’ve came in my progress. This year I’d like to share my goals from last year, my progress, and start new goals for the upcoming year.

2018-2019 Goals

  1. Start a blog, and post regularly
  2. Start a cyber security business
  3. Do more freelance work
  4. Speak at more conferences
  5. Get MRR of $150/mo by end of year on my proposed business

My goals were attainable with minimal amounts of effort, and my progress has taken some big strides. Here’s where it shakes up:

  1. The Blog (this one!) – it’s going, I’ve been lacking the past two months for personal reasons, but I’ll pick back up!
  2. Cyber security business: I finally launched my business in late 2019. Winter Dragon. https://winterdragon.ca/ (an exciting first product is coming in the new year!)
  3. Do more freelance work: This year I was able to pickup tons more freelance jobs, keeping me on my toes
  4. Speak at more conferences: This year was slower on the conference front, I spoke at BSides Ottawa, 2019 and at some local meetups
  5. Get MRR of $150/mo: OK, I didn’t get past $0/month. I’m still working on my product!

I set the bar pretty high last year, and I pushed through tons of rough patches throughout the year to make what I could happen. I’m so grateful for my wife, son, dog, and family for supporting me through this whole journey — without their support this process wouldn’t of been as obtainable as it has been.

2019-2020 Goals

The new years reigns in, and I’ve devised a list of goals for 2020, following my obtainable with effort principle, here’s what I’d like to accomplish this year:

  1. Ship my first product at Winter Dragon
  2. Obtain MRR of $150/mo by the end of the year
  3. Live-blog about Winter Dragon, it’s growth, struggles and tips along the way
  4. Spend more time outdoors, enjoy nature — maybe even pickup a few new skills along the way
  5. Speak at more conferences, my 2020 goal is 2-3 conferences on cyber security, general technology
  6. Write more!

Obtainable goals, let’s see how they all pan out! I’m excited to step foot into 2020, and see what the year will bring. I’m looking forward to bringing you, my readers, along the journey with me. Take you to all my readers, it’s been incredible having you read my blog, provide feedback, and even help when I’ve gotten some assumptions wrong!

This will be my last post until the New Year! See you all in 2020!