pentesting How I got started pentesting It all started when I was 8. I was writing some basic pages to host on my fathers home server to show off to my classmates who could access the internet. My love for the internet evolved very quickly, and when I was 11 I was hit by my first
education Certifications: My personal goals and struggles Being an adult with no post-secondary education can be challenging when it comes to getting jobs. I’m fortunate in my current job that my boss is also self-taught and gives everyone an equal and fair chance, however, when in front of my peers who have post-secondary education I’m
htb HTB: Writeup Write-up I’m an avid doer of hackthebox machines, and writeup seems like a great fit to be… written up! First, let’s start off by doing a basic nmap scan of this machine to see what we can find! After some enumeration, I found there’s a directory called /writeup,
htb HTB: Networked write-up I was browsing Hack The Box today, and decided to tackle a new box, the box I saw was Networked, it’s made by Guly and looks like a fairly easy box, so let’s get exploiting! The machine lives on, a quick nmap scan shows